“Projects have been varied and often challenging, requiring further (and continual) personal development in software, hardware and creative processes. Learning is just simply unavoidable and synonymous with design.”

Alex Rowbotham

Not for Profit

In 2007 I co-founded Luce Dipinta Multivisioni, a non-profit cultural association producing projects that use image and sound, performance art, video mapping, one-off events and festivals. Encouraging a wider understanding and potential of the ever-expanding digital technology and associated production processes. I also developed and maintain Luce Dipinta’s website.

Just for Fun

Included in this website are new areas of work and play such as the Lorem Ipsum Project, to highlight an on-going love affair with projections, and to offer prints and greeting cards directly online – using photographs from my archive.

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Photo Illustration

Photo illustration

An experimental project, a series of montage images “Lorem Ipsum” inspired by time spent in Tuscany and Cornwall.
Using techniques developed for multivision presentations and projections.


Projection on a building

Projection installations, on both the interiors and exteriors of buildings as well as utilising more traditional screen formats – single and multi-screen. From museum installations to corporate and arts events, single projector presentations to full blown multi-projector, synchronised images and sound for architectural building 3D mapping.

Passing the Time

Time lapse sequence

Creation of time-lapse photography, whether to show change over an hour, a day, a week, a month or year(s). The resulting images can be provided as images or composed as an animated movie in any video format from DVD quality through to HD and 4K, plus for display on online.

Contact Alex

Contacting Alex
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