30 years of Sanct Valentin

Co-operative wine producer St.Michael-Eppan celebrated 110 years in 2017 with a few days of activities including a public video mapping event projecting directly on to the original cantina building, which in itself was 109 years old. Using big sound and a fireworks finale, this show formed part of the larger overall event. The ‘story’ of this presentation takes the viewer on a short journey through the history, to some of the 30+ countries where the wines are exported to, the many awards and recognition, with a special addition celebration of 30 years of making the Sanct Valentin line of wine, by this South Tyrolean cooperative wine producer.

Due to time restraints and complexities most imagery and sound was sourced from stock libraries. Remaining material and media assets created and/or supplied by St.Michael-Eppan and Stephan Gander the producer of this year’s event.

This was the first time a projection was used in this popular ancient village. The passing of the centuries has not affected its precious historical and architectural heritage, with its old houses attached to each other, connected by porticoes, bridges and courtyards. A living testimony of a past populated by shepherds, flocks and travelers, who usually stayed here and rested.

Using the flavour of Christmas mixed with emotive sound, and a touch of the village heart and soul, this large-scale projection provided a unique atmosphere for over 120,000 visitors.

The video projection was shown several times during each evening from 17:00 until late througout the month of December 2019

Cultural Association Mercatini di Natale Rango

Video: 10 minutes with audio.

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