Inventare la citta’ (part two of a trilogy)

Created for ACER – Associazione Costruttori Edili di Roma e Provincia (Italy) for their 2008, annual conference, Auditorium, Rome, Italy

3 screen/projector presentation, ratio 10:3, 4 min. Dataton Watchout using mixed media integrating 3 live video inputs. Approx. screen size 2.3 x 7 m.

Multivision conference opener. “To Invent the City”, was the second part of three for ACER. It leads us through the frontiers of imagination and perception like the interpretative keys necessary to daily life. Each place, each building, each corner of our city takes up meaning, from the use one makes of them and from how one looks at them: without us as “interpreters” what is built by man would be “invisible”. A Fellinian paradox that is a comment on the idea that life is a continuous story telling and that each one of us may be the story teller of our self.

Alex Rowbotham programmed Watchout in addition to creating the primary design, artwork and art direction. AGRfoto provided some existing library stock. Original soundtrack by Sandro Di Stefano. Street photography by Ferdinando Fasolo. Voice-over in Italian. Remaining material and media assets created and/or supplied by the agency. Producer/Director – Aldo di Russo.

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