Leggere la citta’ (part three of a trilogy)

Created for ACER – Associazione Costruttori Edili di Roma e Provincia (Italy) for their 2009, annual conference, Auditorium, Rome, Italy

3 screen/projector presentation, ratio 10:3, 4 min. Dataton Watchout using mixed media integrating 3 live video inputs. Approx. screen size 2.3 x 7 m.

This third sequential multivision conference opener defined the city as a layering of history and personal stories that weave every day to define the areas of housing, giving the work of building a cultural function as if like the one that sets out to write a novel or to compose a symphony. In fact, today becomes a mediating construction of imagination, possibility, technology and individual and collective needs, to the definition of the city that does not exist.

Alex Rowbotham programmed Watchout in addition to creating the primary design, artwork and art direction. AGRfoto provided some existing library stock.

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